Chart Politics Population Switzerland

Voter turnout in Switzerland compared to population

Europe Fun Map Population

A dot-map of Europe

This map is a more leaning on the aesthetic- then data-side. The size of the dots correlates with the size of the population in that place. The color has no meaning and is just there to look nice. For the division of places I used the NUT3 standard which is quite useful, but has its problems if you use it to compare countries.

Chart Europe Population

Growth of European Countries relative to 1950

How did the populations of European countries grow after the end of the 2nd world-war? To answer this question I downloaded population-data from the United Nations. I picked 1950 as my default year and looked how it developed from there.

Europe Map

Population Density in Europe

This map was made with the help of the data of Eurostat. The subdivisions of the countries follows NUTS 3 standards. I used a quantil-scale, which means each colors has about the same number of regions.